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7' Single Camera Face Recognition Terminal YHT-7201ZB



  Application scenarios

  Applicable to office areas, hotels, access gates, office buildings, schools, shopping malls, shops, communities, public services and management projects need to use facial access control places.


  Product characteristics

  1.Supporting night light compensation with photosensitive sensor cooperation;

  2.Support serial port, Wigan 26, 34 output, output content support configuration;

  3.Dynamic face detection and tracking recognition algorithm based on video stream is adopted.

  4.Support devices to store 10,000 people's databases locally. (a) Cloud platform devices support storing 50,000 face photos (less than 4,000 KB), 1 million recognition records (0.45 KB), 20,000 live snapshots (b) LAN devices support storing 20,000 face photos (photos are calculated according to 1,000 KB) and 1 million recognition records (including the most). Nearly 10,000 live snapshots;

  5.When the face database is 3000, the recognition accuracy of 1:N is 99.7%.

  6.Recognition speed is fast. (a) Face tracking and detection takes about 20 ms. (b) Face feature extraction takes about 200 ms. (c) Face comparison takes 0.2 Ms. (1000 people database, average recognition takes many times.) 0.5 ms. (10000 people database, average recognition takes many times.) 7. Support stranger detection, stranger level can be configured;

  8.Supporting on-site photo preservation in face recognition or stranger detection;

  9.Support HTTP interface docking;

  11.Supporting the deployment of public network and local area network;

  12.Supporting screen display content configuration;

  13.Support identification distance configuration.


  Product Specification Table

  7-inch Monocular Flat Face





  Installation instructions

  A Appearance Part Instructions

  The schematic diagram of the gate head is shown in the following figure.

  Note: If the cable interface is different from the diagram, see the cable supplement on the next page.

  Cable supplement

  If there is a three-in-one small board in the head of the gate (supporting Wigan 26, 34), the cable interface is another style, as shown in the figure.


  B Appearance Part Instructions

  ①According to the requirements of the installation site, a 50 mm diameter hole is opened in the space position of the gate, generally in the middle or front side. As shown

  in the figure, ⊕is the recommended opening position.


  Note: The opening position should be based on the actual application scenario and gate type. 50cm is only the reference value.

  The equipment has its own power adapter as shown in the figure. The total length of the adapter is 1 meter. The power line is 40 cm (low voltage wire) and the power line is 40 cm (high voltage wire).


  1)The extension of the power supply line (weak current part) should not exceed 2 meters, otherwise it will lead to insufficient voltage supply at the main terminal of the equipment, and abnormal phenomena such as repeated restart and crash will occur. If the power supply is far from the equipment, it can extend the power supply line (strong part).

  2)If other adapters are used, such as 9V and 1A, insufficient voltage and low current will lead to repeated restart of the equipment.

  3)The cables used should not be too thin (e.g. thin wire). It is recommended to connect multiple identical cables in parallel or to use copper-core-thickened cables to ensure voltage > 11V.

  Note: If using wire, the extension wire will be positive with 4 strands of wire and negative with 4 strands of wire.

  1) If it is not clear how to extend, please contact the supplier to replace the "special power extension line".


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