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Office building

 203 菲律宾某办公大楼.jpg

An office building in the Philippines

203 菲律宾雀巢办公大楼.jpg

Nestlé Office Building in the Philippines

203 福州 福晟大楼.jpg

Fuzhou Fusheng Building

203 南京某写字楼.jpg

An office building in Nanjing

A221  广东某写字楼.jpg

An office building in Guangdong

A221 广州某写字楼.jpg

E242 广东某写字楼.jpg

An office building in Guangdong

Y205 北京某写字楼.jpg

An office building in Beijing

Y205 西安某写字楼.jpg

Y205 西安某写字楼-1.jpg

An office building in Xi'an

Y248 泰国某写字楼.jpg

Y248 泰国某写字楼-1.jpg

An office building in Thailand


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